Displaced Princess

Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Telephone - Friend or Foe

After years of being someone's secretary and raising two children I find the phone a royal pain in the butt. When it rings my blood pressure rises and I cringe. I know it's important for businesses and emergencies but I still think if Ma Bell, Rogers and AT&T could disappear and life would not only go on, but probably improve.

My phone rings about 15 times every day. No, I'm not that popular but I do have a list of regulars who call. Each call from 4 of my regulars lasts about 20 minutes and would go longer if I didn't invent excuses to hang up. I found the phone boring. I can't see facial expressions and I tend to drift. The cordless phone made it better than before and a headset really simplifies things. I can do laundry, dishes, a pedicure and that's helpful. But really, how interested am I if I need to resort to housework and personal maintenance to entertain myself while on the phone. I've even been known to play computer games and blog. (Yes, I'm listening. Oh, you don't say.) Other calls only last a few minutes but that's still time I'll never get back. Of course, telemarketers are a great sense of entertainment for me but not very productive for the telemarketer.

And don't even get me started on cell phones. I love the security knowing that I'm prepared for any emergency but will never understand while most people have to have one attached to their ears 80% of the time.

So all in all, I'm not a fan of the phone. Almost every call is asking for money, a favour from family and friends, or just daily whining and misery.

BUT..... Every now and then I get a call from a dear cousin or friend and they want nothing more than to see how I'm faring. They give you encouraging words and brighten your day. (Yes, Darlene and Joan - I mean you.) A few minutes with a warm voice on the other end and the day is a little brighter. So thank you and keep those calls a coming.

Also, if you're selling vacuums, life insurance or mops and brushes my number is in the book.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Enchanted Forest

After marrying the Commoner he vowed to make my life a true fairy tale. It was decided we would live in the enchanted forest. The Commoner bought a small plot of land near a magical lake. But alas, the land did not come complete with enchanted forest.

The very resourceful Commoner knew just the thing. He put in his order to the PRFA and low and behold, the very next spring, a large order of trees came.

So the Commoner took me to the plot of land, handed me a shovel and a truck load of seedlings. 4 days and 2600 trees later I had planted my very own enchanted forest.

Perhaps for other princesses it did not happen this way. But princesses on the prairies are bound to have their own, very different tales to tell.

And that is how it came to be that I, Olivia, the exiled princess lived happily ever after in the enchanted forest.